Miniature 2012

Kranj, Slovenia


Theme A: Paralelles

Theme B: General

Photographic Federation of Slovenia


Federation International de l’Art Photographique




Rafael Podobnik, MF-FZS, EFIAP/g, Slovenia

Herbert Gmeiner, AFIAP, ESFIAP, Austria

Dragan Prole, EFIAP, KMF AUFBiH Bosnia and Herzegovina



Closing Date: …………………..22nd Sep.2012

Judging Dates: ………………5th/6th Oct.2012

Reports posted: ………………14th. Oct.2012

Exhibition Opening: …………..8th Nov.2012

All entries returned: …………15th. Jan.2013

Catalogues mailed: …………..15th Jan.2013


President of the organizing comitee:

Vladimir Kraljič

Club Chairman:

Vasja Doberlet



Download the entry form and conditions of entry:

Entry Conditions and form Miniature 2012

Dovnload entry form:

Entr Form – Prijavnica Miniature 2012


Conditions of Entry:


1. The Slovenian salon of photography, is organized in compliance with the FIAP rules (Federation Internationale de l’Art Photographique), and Photographic Society of Slovenia (FZS) is open to participants from all countries.

2. The salon includes two themes:

A. Paralelles

B. General

3. Each participant may enter a maximum of four monochrome or colour photographs in theme A and/or a maximum of four monochrome or colour photographs in theme B.

4. Entrants must own copyright of all photographs entered.

5. Prints entered should comply with one of the following formats: 7×10 cm, 10×7 cm or 10x10cm. Any other formats shall automatically be eliminated from the competition. All final prints must be made on photographic paper.

6. Each print must be mounted on a 20x20cm background, not thicker than 1 mm. Photographs will be inserted into standard frames with passe-partout prepared in advance so that individual background is not visible. (see instructions below)

7. Please provide the following information on the back of each photograph: the successive number of the photograph, the author and his/her FIAP title and miniature title written in either Slovene and/or one of the FIAP official languages (English, French, German, Spanish). The title of the work should have maximum 20 characters, including spaces.

8. Each participant should include a completed application form with his/her work. Application numbers must match the numbers written on the photographs. Please include a correct return address so the photographs may be returned. The organisers accept no responsibility for incorrect deliveries as a result of illegible addresses.

9. Fee for participation is for one or for both themes 15 € or 23US$ or 12 IRC. This fee covers return postage and catalogue production. Previous catalogue received four stars at FIAP and each accepted author was presented with one image in the catalogue. For authors with return address in Slovenia the entry fee is lower 10€.

10. Submission without fee will not be judged nor returned to the author. Unmounted prints or photographs that will not fit the required format will not be judged.

11. Photographs including the application form and appropriate fee should be sent to: Fotografsko društvo Janez Puhar Kranj, p.p. 193, SI – 4001 KRANJ, SLOVENIA

12. Packaging suitable for return use should be marked as follows: Photographs for exhibition only. No commercial value. To be returned to sender.

13. The organizers will take all possible care when handling photographs but cannot accept liability for any potential damage during mail transport or if the photographs accidentally get lost in the post.

14. The organizers will have the right to reproduce all or part of the entered material free of charge for non-commercial publication for promotional purposes and/or display in media related to the exhibition and in the catalogue. If the author objects to this he/she should specify so on the application form.

15. On the opening day the winning works from each category will be awarded gold, silver or bronze FIAP medals, Janez Puhar gold, silver or bronze medals and six honorary FIAP mentions. Each participant shall be limited to one award per category. The best author at the salon will receive golden Medal Janez Puhar and blue FIAP badge. The jury’s decision is final and irrevocable.

16. The results will be published on the Janez Puhar website ( Each participant will receive an exhibition catalogue and final results either via e-mail or by post.

17. By participating in the exhibition the author automatically accepts the rules set by the organizers.


Instructions for mounting the photograph:




Our Photographic Society is named after Janez Puhar, the citizen of Kranj and the inventor of glass plate photography.

Janez Puhar (1814 – 1864)

The inventor of photography on glass plate

More than 170 years have passed since the invention of photography on glass plate. Three years after the Frenchman Daguerre succeeded to make photographs on a silver-plated copper plaque, a Slovenian priest from Kranj, Janez Puhar came up with the revolutionary technique of glass plate photography. The usage of new method enabled the reproduction and multiplication of photos. Puhar invented this technique in his “laboratory” on 19th April 1842. The Académie nationale agricole, manufacturière et commerciale in Paris recognized this achievement by awarding Janez Puhar an honorary diploma ten years later, on 17th June 1852.






Miniature 2012

 Kranj, Slovenija


Tema A: Paralele

Tema B: Splošna

Fotografska zveza Slovenije


Federation International de l’Art Photographique
